Air Compressor Filter Usage

Air Compressor Filter Usage

Compressor Air Filter Usage and Maintenance

Compressed air filtration plays an extremely important role in any compressor installation. A high-quality air compressor filter will protect your system from particles, dirt, dust, solids, and oil. These harmful contaminants can damage your equipment and downstream machinery, wearing out parts and causing blockages.

Without a filter, contamination can even affect your manufactured product, resulting in lost production and inevitably costing you money. It is therefore essential to use high-performance filters. Poor quality filters can offer reduced performance, resulting in high-pressure drops and increasing your energy bill.

To protect your investment and your end product, and to ensure clean, contaminant-free compressed air, we recommend the CompAir range of filters.

When should I change the compressed air filter element?

To ensure a continuous supply of high-quality compressed air (and to help keep energy costs down), filter elements must be replaced periodically because, unfortunately, filter elements do not last forever.

The filter element should be replaced at least every 12 months. Applications with higher annual operating hours or a very high purification requirement require shorter replacement intervals.

Why do air filters need to be replaced?

During operation, compressed air filters operate under extremely harsh conditions:

  • Pressure fluctuations
  • Pulsed air demand
  • Temperature variations
  • High/low humidity
  • Chemical attack – by oily acidic condensates and lubricant additives

Over time, these extreme and changing conditions can lead to loss of efficiency and reduced operational performance, even product deterioration. To continue operating under the most challenging conditions, a reliable and durable filter is essential.

One of the main reasons customers choose not to change filter elements is the cost of replacement parts and maintenance. However, the cost of inadequate filtration is often a multiple of the cost of a filter element!

Not changing the filter can seriously damage your compressed air system and your downstream accessories and products. The result is reduced performance, increased costs, and the risk of failure.

Failure to change the filter element can cause

  • Corrosion of equipment after the filter
  • Network contamination resulting in damaged products and end-use contamination
  • Reduced availability/damage to production machinery resulting in downtime
  • Increased long-term costs

For maximum performance, economy, and energy efficiency, air compressor filters must be replaced according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Correct use results in significant energy savings for business owners.

With us, more and more particles settle on the filter media, reducing the area of airflow through the filter. Pressure drop increases, which means the overall system costs more to operate. For optimal energy savings and high efficiency, it is important to replace the filter after the recommended period.

Watch this video from the official source to learn more about the importance of replacing the air filter with a genuine CompAir filter to avoid damage to your compressor system:
